Tim Bowtell is set to tackle another huge project - the Katamatite silos. Benalla artist Tim Bowtell has been selected to paint the Katamatite silo. He is pictured with the Colbinabbin silos he painted earlier this year. Excited at the prospect of painting his third silo project - the Benalla artist has also painted silos in St James and … [Read more...] about Benalla Ensign, 7 October 2020
Cobram News, 14th August 2020
Community Feedback Sought for Katamatite Silo Design by Jamie Salter After almost three years of planning, Katamatite Lions Club has received permission from GrainCorp and Moira Shire Council to start painting the town's silos. Katamatite community members have been asked to get their creative juices flowing and help form the final design for the … [Read more...] about Cobram News, 14th August 2020
Benalla Ensign, 9th June 2020
North East Art Trail Towns Collaborate by Simon Ruppert One of the movable silos located in Dookie's main street A new committee to oversee the North East Art Trail has been formed with the aim of promoting art at Goorambat, Devenish, St James, Tungamah, Dookie and Katamatite. Committee member and Goorambat resident Anne-Marie Greenway said with COVID-19 restrictions … [Read more...] about Benalla Ensign, 9th June 2020
Benalla Ensign, 30 September 2020
New Website to Promote Art Trail and much more... Devenish silos The North East Art Trail committee has launched a new website promoting the district's smaller towns. AndĀ www.nearttrail.org.au, while being a well of useful information for visitors, extends much further than simply highlighting our spectacular local silos. Covering Devenish, Dookie, Goorambat, … [Read more...] about Benalla Ensign, 30 September 2020
The Goorambat Solar Farm
This page is still under construction. The Goorambat Solar Farm is currently due to start construction in 2022, with owners NEOEN already becoming very involved in the Goorambat community. … [Read more...] about The Goorambat Solar Farm